Monday, 10 October 2011

My Green Letter to God

Dear God,

I hope this letter meets you well. I am writing to express my worries about certain issues that affect our planet (earth) which you created in 6 days! Although we have inhabited it for ages since creation without destroying it entirely, am concerned that we may wake up one day to discover that its gone!

I begin with climate change. Jehovah, since industrialisation began, man has pumped up several anthropogenic gases in the atmosphere that the earth is now at risk of heating up to about 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times. As you know, this will affect food production, sea levels will rise- meaning some small island countries may disappear from the surface of the earth. The effects are many and calamitous! However, what is more worrying is that those who are mostly responsible (industrialised nations) will be less vulnerable to climate change, whereas those with little or no liability (developing countries) will be the most affected. Allah, is this fair?

El-shedai, you said 'let there be light' and there was light! You, by this very act of divine creation gave to the earth which you created its most reliable and environmentally friendly source of energy supply-the sun. However, man has since felt that he knows better. He discovered oil and since then neither man nor the earth has known peace.

Not only does the burning of fossil-fuel lead to the emission of some very harmful gases to man's health, oil exploitation has led to the destruction of many ecosystems and is so environmentally disastrous. In my country Nigeria, its industry has become a cesspit of corruption and militancy. Even as it has led to wars in Libya, Iraq and Kuwait. Man in his 'wisdom' now says solar energy is alternative energy source. Shekwoyi, I don't even know what has happened to wind energy nor can I explain what we have done with hydro-power.

Those of us environmentalist and conservationists who dare speak out are tagged 'eccentric'! Can you beat that? Oludumare, you need to speak to your people now because some now claim man was created by you and given dominion over the earth. Please, does this mean man should destroy every animal and plant life on it to satisfy his greedy cravings?

Papay God, the Durban climate change conference is now at risk of being a futile exercise. After years of politicians and negotiators flying around the world, thereby emitting more greenhouse gases, they are no longer willing to produce a binding international treaty to tackle climate change this year. I am not happy, and will soon file a suit in your court against man!

Yours truly,



  1. I feel you Sylvanus. To be tagged "eccentric" for trying to save the world. And to be blamed when Mother Nature responds with its wrath. Where's the justice in that? But we keep fighting. Keep the fight going!

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  2. Keep up the good work for it is better to speak out and be criticized than to be silent and die with guilt.
